First was the account of taking Jay out for coffee. After the breakup with Dave, Chris was reluctant to enter into another relationship, and Jay was really sad because of it. Chris suggested they go for coffee or something of the sort, and at one point he said to Jay something like, "So how are you enjoying our first date?" Needless to say, Jay was ecstatic.
Then there was the day Ste and Cate arrived, unannounced, at the university in America, and Chris arrived to find them waiting at his door. His absolute and simple joy at their visit shone through his post about it. [Correction: Ste arrived alone, and the housemates let him in. Thanks to Aek and torchy! for a copy of the post that tells of it.]
And above all there was the story of how his friendship with Ste began. They were very young schoolboys who got into a fight. Chris wanted to apologize and followed Ste home, but Ste was having none of it. So he sat on the sidewalk outside Ste's all afternoon until suppertime, when Ste's mum sent him out to invite Chris in for dinner. And they made up and became friends for ever. [Corrections: The day of the fight, Ste's mum finally gave Chris a ride home. Chris continued to sit outside Ste's home for four more days until Ste's mother had Ste invite him in for dinner. Also from the post Aek and torchy! supplied. All the more impressive.]
I believe the scripture which says, "God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God and God in him." (1 John 4:16) It is clear that Chris lived in the love of his wonderful family and friends and that in turn he gave much love to them. Surely it was the love he experienced in his family that taught him to introduce himself at the age of six to people on Brighton Beach, to reach out in love to ask Ste's forgiveness, and to form such deep friendships throughout his life — or as it says in his post "My life has been perfect"
like no one's watching you
like no one can hear you
like you've never been hurt before
like it's heaven here on earth.
I also believe in a life beyond our earthly existence; and the love in which Chris lived here gives me much hope that he will now enjoy a life where there is no pain or illness, where love and joy endure for ever, and where all who love him can be with him at last.
1 comment:
SAD STEPS - by Philip Larkin
Groping back to bed after a piss
I part thick curtains, and am startled by
The rapid clouds, the moon's cleanliness.
Four o'clock: wedge-shadowed gardens lie
Under a cavernous, a wind-picked sky.
There's something laughable about this,
The way the moon dashes through clouds that blow
Loosely as cannon-smoke to stand apart
(Stone-coloured light sharpening the roofs below)
High and preposterous and separate -
Lozenge of love! Medallion of art!
O wolves of memory! Immensements! No,
One shivers slightly, looking up there.
The hardness and the brightness and the plain
Far-reaching singleness of that wide stare
Is a reminder of the strength and pain
Of being young; that it can't come again,
But is for others undiminished somewhere.
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